Our Services

The Bridge Between Your Association’s Needs and Goals.

Networks of inspiring talent, decades of industry expertise, and thoughtful planning; they all come together to power our Consulting and C-suite staffing solutions.

Interim CEO and C-Suite Staffing

Every leadership role at an association tells a story of change, adaptability, and dedication. Filling it can be a daunting prospect for teams facing the departure of an esteemed senior colleague.
We’re committed to preserving the sense of continuity your association has worked so hard to establish. Combined with immaculate credentials and acumen, traits like openness, enthusiasm, and generosity help the talent that we hand-select become a priceless asset to your team.

Consulting and Facilitation

When your association’s leadership is in flux, vision and growth initiatives can fall by the wayside. Our Strategic Planning services help you develop a sound strategy for what lies ahead.
We take an involved, personal approach to board member and volunteer orientation, asking critical questions and forming deep relationships with our client associations. A foundation of transparency and trust informs the educational content that we’ll create, like bespoke leadership manuals.
Our executive coaching and mentoring program helps us comprehend and polish the skillset and cultural alignment of every individual we place.
We foster teams that believe in and depend on each other. Bonding with colleagues at events and retreats is a priceless experience that we’re proud to organize.

Organizational Development

Guiding many associations through the executive staffing and consulting process gives us priceless insights into organizational restructuring – including the skills to assist in the creation of new associations altogether.
Over the years, we’ve developed matrices that help Board Members and C-Suite executives with strategic decision-making, especially when it comes to complex cases like succession planning.
We lean on government relations experience to confidently guide associations through financial statement audits.

Industry Connections and Relationships

Collaborating with dozens of Association Management Companies and frequently facilitating peer group training has been essential to vetting the resources available to us and obtaining the best results for our clients. Vendors and investors turn to us for advice in the form of board appointments and paid consultant placement.
The Bottom Line

An Extension of Your Association.

We’re eager to answer the pressing questions your team has and learn how we can become indispensable to your organization.
See What Sets Us Apart
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